Thursday, 25 September 2014

Who Are You.

The title is supposed to be a question right? More like Who Are You? It, like most things in this life we live, was written that way for a purpose.

We go through our lives trying to mould ourselves, improve, become “Me 2.0” and continue upgrading, but can you put an iOS upgrade on an Android device? You can’t improve something if you don’t even know what that “thing” is.

Back to the title, I didn’t use a question mark because I believe it’s time we stop questioning and start understanding. When you sit for an exam the instructions say something like “Read the question carefully before answering”, those who barely glance at the question and write whatever, well, you know how that story normally ends – but we’re not going down that route anymore. No. From now on we will start understanding.

So, let’s start with this new mentality, take a minute each day and really think. I won’t tell you what to think about, that’s down to you.
Get to know YOU.


  1. "Get to know you" sounds really easy but it ain't.. I guess I will give it another try.. Thanks Beth..

    1. One day at a time, it really could be that simple :)
      Thanks for commenting !

  2. i'm soo in love with this bae!!.. short and straight to the point.. more grace dearie... hugs*


    1. Thank you so much sweetie! God bless you xo
