Hair Regimen!

A lot of people have asked about my hair since I turned natural so I figured I should do a proper blog post about it and bust some myths!

First things first, my hair was tough when I first stopped relaxing my hair! Transitioning is a strenuous process and you need a special type of patience to keep you from running back to the “creamy crack” also known as relaxer when the going gets tough – which it most definitely will.

Now that I’ve cleared that up, let’s move onto the good part where I tell you how things got better :D

So, I overcame my transitioning woes by consistent protective styling; in my case that was cornrows and single twists with my natural hair. Also, I did a bit of trial and error with hair products but eventually settled with:

Olive Oil Shampoo

Organics Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

& Cantu Shea Butter

Now, I also have a home mixed recipe of hair products that I use twice a week (when I remember to) on my dry scalp as a moisturizer. It's been a long standing family tradition which has proved very effective so I’ll list the names of the products I can remember lol:

  • Damatol or Virgin (Growth)
  • Sulfur 8 (yes I heard Sulfur is bad on the natural hair stratosphere, but it works for me, growth protein treatment)
  • Morgan’s Pomade (keeps hair dark)
  • Dr. Miracle’s Leave in Conditioner (Growth)
  • Dax (Shine/Growth)

The actual regimen:
Protective Style for 2-3weeks
Moisturize at least twice a week
Wash and deep condition between each style
Trim every 6 months to prevent split ends
Minimize heat appliance i.e. blow dryers and straighteners!

So yeah, that’s basically it! Feel free to drop any questions in my email: : )


  1. Angelinah O Peters16 May 2015 at 15:23

    That is good, let your audience know also that the best way to dry your hair is natural, that is, after washing, conditioning and application of hair cream, they should comb it through and part their hair into 4-10 (depending on the length of their hair) leave the plait on for a day or two, after that they should comb it out apply a bit of hair cream and plait it again for a day or two. At the end they will have perfectly stretched hair without the use of any hot comb.

  2. Just when i needed this. Thanks :) I'm thinking of going natural as well. My hair has just been breaking and thinning for a while now. Dunno it it's my diet or the relaxer :S but I've definitely considered going natural (as a possible solution).

  3. Hmm, that was really helpful (Y)
    Was already getting sick of the whole transitioning thing
    Thanks so much

  4. Dolapo Kuforiji16 May 2015 at 15:33

    Wow. Really straight to the point. I like it no hassle. And you use cantu leave-in? I hear it is a bit too thick, how do you handle that?"

    1. Hey Dolly, thank you!
      Yeah I use it in small quantities that I can easily blend in; if I put a large amount it takes ages to dry and I can't use heat on it as it flakes.
      So in small quantities, and without heat, it's a great leave-in, makes my hair nice and soft!

  5. I'm so going to try this. thank you so much for sharing this information liz☺
