Thursday, 25 September 2014

Who Are You.

The title is supposed to be a question right? More like Who Are You? It, like most things in this life we live, was written that way for a purpose.

We go through our lives trying to mould ourselves, improve, become “Me 2.0” and continue upgrading, but can you put an iOS upgrade on an Android device? You can’t improve something if you don’t even know what that “thing” is.

Back to the title, I didn’t use a question mark because I believe it’s time we stop questioning and start understanding. When you sit for an exam the instructions say something like “Read the question carefully before answering”, those who barely glance at the question and write whatever, well, you know how that story normally ends – but we’re not going down that route anymore. No. From now on we will start understanding.

So, let’s start with this new mentality, take a minute each day and really think. I won’t tell you what to think about, that’s down to you.
Get to know YOU.

Thursday, 18 September 2014


Hey, hello there J

Ever felt like everyone’s looking at you? Sometimes they really are, like when you drive on the wrong side of the road in a foreign country, but other times, it could be a great exaggeration on your part.

Being the first born in my household, I’m no stranger to high expectations. I’m like my parents' lab rat: “let’s take her for after school classes” “let’s make her take her GCSEs early” “let’s send her to Nigeria for secondary school” – boy have I had an interesting life – but that’s a story for another day haha.

I could easily have crumbled under all the pressure to do well, but thankfully I didn’t – and you shouldn’t either. Use the pressure to pump the tires of your life’s vehicle and press on. Do not do things based on what others will say but rather because of what you aim to achieve when you succeed.

Think of how you’ll feel when you cross that finish line then keep at it – you may have people cheering and others booing but only you can push yourself to complete your race. Make your own realistic expectations and accomplish them – you’ll be glad you did it J

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Complex Simplicities

Complex Simplicities.

Hey there : )

Welcome back to my humble corner of the internet!
Today I want to write about something we all go through in our various, diverse lives. Everyday we make decisions - ”Is it too cold for a T-shirt?” or “Should I go for this man’s lecture or stay in bed?” and everyday we reap the repercussions of these decisions, be it a runny nose by bed time or a missed pop test, we still have to make do with the situation.

What am I getting at? You may see some decisions as small and others as HUGE, but they all boil down to one thing: a choice. Don’t let any choice magnify itself and make you think it’s more than it is – it never is.

1)   Break It Down. What exactly is the issue? Calm down, keep your cool and do not let your emotions run your mind. List out the issue bit by bit until it has been totally disintegrated. It’s when you spread your work out that it is easier to understand and solve; learnt this from my many math teachers J

2)   Solution. Don’t expect the answers to rush all at once. Be open to aid from other people – most especially from God.

3) Smile! No single issue is worth stealing your smile. I’m going to lead by example by signing out with a smile of my own:


Thursday, 4 September 2014



Welcome Back.
Today I want to write about something that is on my mind, which has tentacles that reached down and pricked my heart.

I know the scripture, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone”. (Romans 12:18), and like every other commandment in the bible, I adhere to it as much as I possibly can. You know one thing I love about God? He UNDERSTANDS. He knows there will be people that just don’t want to live at peace with others, and He beautifully made that clause for the kind of situation that I want to write about today.

Being betrayed is one of the feelings in this life that cannot be fully described with mere words. It eats deep down, past your flesh, down into your soul. Betrayal can birth the most nasty of characteristics within a person – it’s that powerful.

Funny thing about being betrayed is that the pain it inflicts upon you is only equal to how much power you feed it. You may not be able to stop the person from betraying you but you can control how much you will be affected by it.

Yes, it hurts, it hurts a whole lot and more, but you mustn’t give into the negativity it breeds. Do not let someone else’s actions turn you into something you aren’t.

My advice: Don’t sweat it. They chose to hurt you –their loss. You my friend have just escaped one wolf in sheep’s clothing without trying – that’s one less wasted invitation to your success party eh? J



Welcome to my blog! I'm glad you're here. 
This isn't going to be a long post, it is just an introductory message really. 
I don't want to limit myself to one theme - so I won't lol. This blog will be where I will talk about things that I think aren't spoken about enough.
You'll understand soon enough.
I will try my very best to be consistent with posts!
Till next time..
