Friday, 31 July 2015


You’re breathing regularly and your heart is pumping blood into both your pulmonary and systemic circulation = you are alive.

Well done on passing the first stage of affirming your existence on this great planet we call Earth. Now that you have come to stage two, you realize that you have people that acknowledge your presence on the planet; be it your parents, siblings, friends or even just the guy that lives across the road from you that you don’t actually talk to. All these people know you exist.

Welcome to stage three, where you assess your impact circumference. So far you have confirmed that truly, you do exist, but now at this stage, you assess whether your existence has any empirical value on others. Is there someone that has imitated something about you, be it positive or negative? Or is there someone who takes your input into his or her life as really important?

No matter what stage you are at, I want you to take a moment to really think, why do you exist? What is the point of the piece of matter that is you?

To be honest, this is actually a rather big question; one which I’d suggest you present to God, like Paul did in Acts 9:6 and say, “Lord what will you have me do?” because frankly He’s the only person that can tell you exactly why you are here – He did make and place you where you are after all.

The Big Guy Upstairs is ready to tell you – but are you ready to ask?

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Monochrome X Green

So it’s been a while (probably because I haven’t been with my sister in a while) but I finally have another fashion post!

Today is about wearing monochrome with a pop of color – I love it because it brings attention to the colored item naturally, without overdoing it.

Outfit details at the bottom – enjoy!

Top – New Look

Skirt – ASOS

Shoes - Linzi


Sunday, 19 July 2015

The Big Guy Upstairs.

I don’t think “I don’t know how to pray,” is ever a valid excuse for prayerlessness. Did anyone ever teach you how to let your mom know that you were hungry as an infant? No. Yet she always seemed to understand you, be it by your incessant crying or just the innate bond between a mother and child.

That’s what it’s like with God. He knows when you need something, He doesn’t require a well drafted business proposal each time you want to present a request to Him. He just wants you to talk.

So I’m going to give you a quick rundown on how to talk to God. Note: I’m not teaching you how to pray; Jesus already did that (Matthew 6:9-13 aka The Lord’s Prayer) I’m just gonna give you a little kick start : )

So first of all, you need to get somewhere you can clear your mind. If that’s in your room, great, personally I go for a walk; beautiful natural scenery really helps me connect. Next, talk out loud. Greet Him like He’s your best friend, like your personal person. “Yo, it’s me again” for example. Formality has a way of slowing conversations - so cut it.

Pour your heart out. Everything. No holding back whatsoever. Cry if need be. Make sure you don’t leave with any worries.

 “Cast your burdens unto Jesus for He cares for you.”

Friday, 10 July 2015


Never underestimate the importance of healthy psyche. 


For a long time I never thought much of mental psychology; so long as one had their sanity I thought - that was that. But when you meet people that have had life-altering effects due to a psychological imbalance, or even experience one for yourself, you realise it's importance. 

If you feel there's something you're going through, or if there's something that bothers you deeply - don't assume you're the only one who goes through it. Find someone you can trust and share your problems. The saying goes "a problem shared is a problem half solved", just talking about your issues has a therapeutic effect in itself. 

 And if you feel for whatever reason that you don't have anyone to trust, or you simply would like my advice, you can drop me an anonymous message; I'd be glad to offer the best advice I can give. 

Psychology - don't underestimate it.

Saturday, 4 July 2015


The number of times that someone has said to me "You don't look like you can cook" should actually offend me, but then I think, what does a girl that CAN cook look like? As a viral tweet once said, does she have vegetables wrapped in her hair?

I'm actually tired of stereotypes. I remember sweeping in front of distant relatives as a child, and because I'm left-handed they all said, "That place she swept can never be clean." Like - come on!

Or because I don't wear make up or hair extensions that means I would judge the next girl and condemn her to Hell fire - just like that.

Can you imagine a world where nobody had pre-conceived ideas about anything or anyone and took everything as it came? No judgements, just take people as they are.

Beautiful place right?

You can start that change - give everyone a fair chance before making any rash decisions - then you can tell your children you helped make the world a better place :D