Friday, 31 October 2014


Happy… Sad... Angry.


What do you feel? How do you feel?

Do you feel?

Of course you feel. Everyone feels. No matter how hardcore and emotionless you may think you are, so long as you belong to the human race, darling, you’ve got emotions. Whether you show them or not, is a whole different case entirely. Some people can be totally broken inside but on the surface appear to be as jovial as Eddie Murphy – it’s one of those mysteries of life I guess.

For anyone who has studied the brain before (yes, a geeky moment is coming up – I am a medical student after all lol) you would know that the brain is an intensely intricate organ. Every single of the billions of synapses in the brain has a purpose – including the limbic system, which is where the emotion center lies. If we did not need emotions why would a whole system of the brain be dedicated to its management?

Don’t be embarrassed to feel. It’s normal. It’s what makes you sane. So what if the way someone chews gum irks you? It doesn’t make you a bad person; if nothing in this life ever aroused a response from your limbic system would you really be living?

Thursday, 23 October 2014


No, not the thing on twitter that so many users aspire towards. I mean the general direction in which something is developing or changing. This “something” could be anything really; fashion, hairstyles, mannerisms, slang – anything.

So what about them? Sometimes trends are positive, like when they brought midi skirts back into vogue and it became ‘cool’ to dress modestly:

But at other times, they are not so good. Using illegal drugs, fornication… the list is endless.

My point: Deciding which trend to follow is vital. It’s not everything you see in a magazine or on Bella Naija’s fashion articles that you have to emulate. Learn to streamline the way you live and only pick up positive influences.

You don’t have to fit in.

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Sensitive topic alert! This post is not intended to start an ethical debate – as you should already know – my blog: my rules.

So let’s get right into it; abortion can be defined as the termination of a pregnancy.

I’m not going to dwell on the various reasons as to why one would opt into having an abortion but rather I’ll focus on the act itself. By aborting a pregnancy, you would be stripping that life form of all the opportunities he/she could have had. No matter how the unborn child was formed, or who’s DNA it holds; he/she still deserves a chance at life on Earth.

The best way to form one’s morals is to put yourself on the receiving end of any action. How would you feel if you were killed before you ever had a chance to show the world who you are?

Food for thought.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Reality Check.

Not everyone will like you.

I was trying to get an afternoon nap and this topic came to mind – so here I am! People often associate being a Christian with being a people pleaser or being a “yes-man” and it is not so.

“But let your yes be yes and your no be no” (Matt 5:37)
You don’t always have to do what others want you to do. You don’t always have to be who others want you to be either. Be who God wants you to be. Stop trying to please everyone!

Live at peace with all men, as far as it depends on you, but don’t go bending over backwards to please someone or dash your morals out of the nearest window either. Bill and Melinda Gates might be one of the world’s greatest philanthropists and yet there is most definitely someone that dislikes them and refuses to buy a Microsoft product. Does that stop them from being über-rich? Someone else will buy that laptop and the Gates’ lives will continue as normal.

So what’s the moral of this post? Do your best to live right, but if someone still doesn’t like you don’t sit their being baffled or get upset, after all, even Jesus had haters.


Saturday, 4 October 2014


Family. Friendships. Relationships.
Three important entities in every person’s life, that all rely heavily upon trust. Trust is a strange phenomenon – hard to gain but oh so easy to lose - if only excess weight was like that haha.

Listen, no man is an island. You cannot do this life alone. You have to trust people, and you have to believe in people. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt. People may have disappointed and hurt you in the past, and made you regret ever trusting them but by building up walls to protect yourself, those same walls will stop you from receiving the help you need from people who genuinely care about you.

The lonely life isn’t it. Fame, success and all the limelight is fun and exciting but who do you have to share your peak moments with? What point is there in having good news if you have no one to disclose it to? There is a reason why so many successful celebrities commit suicide, regardless of all their success and fortune.

To my wonderful, brilliant friends, this post is for you. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I thank God for putting you in my life; it can only get better J

Resolution: Appreciate your support system; don’t wait till it’s too late!