Monday, 27 April 2015

New Beginnings

This is an open letter addressed to my family, friends and fans (I’ve been told it’s time I accept that I have “fans”). Ever since I started at university in Nigeria back in 2012 I’ve made quite a name for myself, simply by being myself. I joined sports teams, joined the choir, got involved with Student politics; amidst several other extra-curricular activities, and still managed to maintain a healthy academic life. I was just ‘doing me’ so I didn’t realize when people started to watch me or imitate me like my hairstyles - which I found to be very flattering, I must say.

After a short while, I began planning events and hosting shows, which was so much fun! Every show was a challenge, most especially ABUAD Top Model Season 1 – I was hosting alongside the effervescent Denrele Edun himself! 

I thoroughly enjoyed myself during these opportunities, and I thank every single organiser who has ever invited me to host or plan an event at this school, including the University’s Founder, who allowed me to be the first student co-host of the founder’s dinner during the 2014 convocation ceremonies, which had very highly decorated guests from all around the world.

Now that it’s the Nigerian university awards season, it became clearer to see that people had noticed me on campus; in one year alone I’ve received:
·      Campus Heat Awards Nomination for ‘Most Knowledgeable Student (female)’ (ABUAD) Award
·      Prodigie Image Recognition Awards Nomination for “Most Influential Student” (ABUAD) Award
·      Prodigie Image Recognition Awards Nomination for “Take Home to Mama” (ABUAD) Award

I’m thoroughly humbled by the recognition; it goes to show that people notice you even if they don’t tell you so.

Now, to the main reason why I’ve written this blogpost: for reasons best left undisclosed, I have decided to leave ABUAD. Over the last few weeks I have faced trials that I cannot explain, and I feel it will shadow the remaining years of my stay in the institution, which would hinder my ability to flourish.

My choice to leave the university does not mean I am cutting ties with the wonderful people I’ve met there; there are friendships that last a lifetime, I’m grateful to be able to say I’ve made such friendships whilst I was at the school. From the short, summarized biography of my stay in ABUAD above, it is obvious that I gained a lot as an entire person whilst there, so I cannot say I regret coming to the school based on a few weeks of negativity in comparison to years of positivity.

I believe everything happens for a reason. This chapter may be closing, but another one has opened simultaneously.

On to the next challenge.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Everything Happens For A Reason.

This is the first time I'm using a phrase as a title for my blogpost but honestly it's the best way to express how I feel right now.

Sometimes life seems to be falling apart like a Nature Valley granola bar but, just like that bar, it all works out in the end. In the case of the bar, it gets digested and you get the necessary nutrients from it, and in life - the purpose of the tough situation eventually surfaces and it all works out.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" is a beautiful bible scripture that explains the ups and downs in life beautifully. Sometimes you may feel so beaten down you'll think you don't even have the bones to get back up on your feet, I'm here to tell you that no matter how hard a situation may seem, so long as you're still alive, there's still hope.

The same boiling water that softens yam will harden an egg - its not about the circumstance but it's about what you're made up of. You can decide to let the situation you're in break or make you. 

It's all up to you.

Friday, 17 April 2015

The Mole.

Knowing that no one gets away with anything scot-free is all the consolation I need in times of painful betrayal. For anyone who has been reading my blog right from the start, you’d know that it was a case of betrayal that led me to start this blog in the first place. Ah, that time the pain was as fresh as a knife wound, but hey, it started off a good thing right?
                                   The style of my latest case of betrayal was classic - a mole.

But see this mole not only betrayed several people who trusted him/her, no, this mole went further and beyond the scope of his/her assignment. This mole, after stabbing us metaphorically still came around as a lovely nurse only to pour salt into our wounds.

This mole continued life as though totally free of any wrongdoing and weaved their way amidst their victims as though all was well.

This mole; is convinced he/she has gotten away with the ill deeds that were committed.

But I know better. I know that I serve a God who said, “Vengeance is mine” and “Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.” I also know my God never sleeps nor slumbers so he definitely knows what this person did. So I’ll go on with my life as normal, and I’ll leave it to God.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Awards Awards Awards!

So it’s the Nigerian university awards season! In this year alone I’ve received:
  •       Campus Heat Awards Nomination for ‘Most Knowledgeable Student (female)’ (ABUAD) Award
  •       Prodigie Image Recognition Awards Nomination for “Most Influential Student” (ABUAD)Award
  •       Prodigie Image Recognition Awards Nomination for “Take Home to Mama” (ABUAD) Award

I’m thoroughly humbled by the recognition, and grateful to all who have voted for me thus far. If you haven’t voted yet, it isn’t too late :D

For Campus Heat Awards, pls click here and fill in the form with a few of your details then into the nomination box, copy and paste this: Elizabeth Peters, Most Knowledgeable (Female), ABUAD.

For Prodigie Image Recognition Awards, either send an SMS (Nigerian lines cost N50 per text, international lines may cost considerably more) and send “Elizabeth Peters Most influential student ABUAD” and “Elizabeth Peters Take Home to Mama” to 33140
Tweet “Elizabeth Peters Most Influential female ABUAD #PIRA2015” and “Elizabeth Peters Take home to Mama #PIRA2015” to @ProdigieAwards
Go to @prodigiecomms on Instagram and like these two photos: